Bitter Taste of Christmas

I can vividly remember 15/12/2010 like it was yesterday. On the fateful evening of 14/12/2010, my youngest uncle had called to inform us that a group of foreign medical experts came to Orlu Teaching hospital, Imo state to operate on patients with goitre, and that he enrolled my grand-ma. Mama had being with this goitre for years and had previously objected to surgery. How my uncle convinced her to participate this time around is still a mystery to me. After receiving his call that day, I was delegated to travel to the village. I grudgingly accepted, not that I didn't want to visit mama, but I felt marginalised. Nobody considered my itinerary prior to the mandated visit. Because I loved my grand-ma so much, I agreed. And so on that fateful day-15/12/2010 I embarked my journey to the Orlu. If I had known what fate had in store for my young heart, I would have done things differently from the previous day-when we received the call. For starters; I won't have grumbled for bein...