When God is Your Guy💫

Okay... #fbf time 💃🏻 It was on a bright Tuesday afternoon, on the 3rd of January, 2023, that I got served😫. I woke up with no inclination of the breakfast that awaited me that day.🥺 And, 'YES' inedible breakfasts aren't sweet😑—as you know—if you've ever been served one. Before you deduce what hasn't be said/written, #becalmingdown o🤗 Cos it wasn't relationship breakfast😂, it was job-breakfast.🥺 Hope you're not disappointed in this my story cos it's not love matter😏. Please, keep reading cos God has a message somewhere for you—YES—you 🤎 It all started with what seemed like a stroke of fate, that got I & my two friends this connection for a 'supposedly' awesome job— you know,😉 with so much cash potential. And, before you ask/wonder, it's a legit/legal, moral job .😀 We've been waiting for this employment for a long while... but that's not the angle this my story is headed to. 🙄 Back to the #fbf . On that beauti...