


I feel like I’m living a nightmare where I have the option to wake-up, but I choose to still be asleep 😴. 

Ok...maybe 'nightmare' is me exaggerating and being a little bit dramatic. But, seriously, am  I the only one that took this eighteen (18) months plan hook, line and sinker. And look, fastforward to three (3) years+— between Covid-19 & ASUU, I feel like I'm on a pendulum. 🥺

What do I mean about the nightmare, you ask!?!

Lol...wait, as a typical African (Nigerian), I'm already saying, 'God forbidden!' 'This nightmare is not my portion!' And, I'm not suspended on any pendulum'🙄🤣

Well...let’s take a mini trip to early this year, 2022.

I lost an international job that was nearly within my grasp. Was it God’s will or a case of unpreparedness. Honestly, I’ve got no idea.

After scaling through the written and two oral interviews, I was called in one Saturday for briefing, and was informed to resume work the following week Tuesday— when the appointment letter will be ready. The caveat though was that I wait for a call on or before Monday. 

Thus, I had the assurance that it was a ‘done' deal. Meanwhile, I was given some documents to review during that weekend. 

So, imagine my disappointment when no call came till Monday evening. I tried calling the director—yes, we exchanged contacts —and he wouldn’t pick up. 

Ok! Let’s pause that story there.

No need rehearsing the self doubts, blames—what I ‘must’ have done or said something wrong—that came with that disappointment.

Fast forward to three months later, I’ve gotten another job. 

Yay!!!...Hallelu...*wait* #becalmingdown...lol

Don’t be in a hurry cos that’s not where the story is headed.😑

This new job...hmmmm...this job is equivalent to Job. Yes, you read right.

Cos you’ve got to have plenty Job—endurance to survive both the customers and some of the superiors.

You work for a regulated nine (9) hours with one hour break in-between —your eating, answering nature’s call, stretching body/legs are included in this mighty ONE hour break😀

Yes...lest I forget, you’ve got to take permission before you step out to ease yourself—yes, you heard me right. You’ve to literally remember how you excused yourself during your primary school days and do likewise, else you get scolded. Lol...déja vu, right!?!

The necessary and most times unnecessary scolding one receives basically on daily basis plays the repeat of the song #ifyourjobnodeydoyouwell...#away on my mind. 

But then, I hear Davido lyrics #ifyounogetmoney...#hideyourface. And, I don’t want to hide my face...lol

Thus, I psychic myself daily into coming to work—to offer my services and receive insults—in hope that the payday's peanut will help soothe the month’s insults—by paying for few of my basic NEEDS.

I guess you’re wondering what’s the moral of my story. 😆😂

If you’ve more courage than me, then adhere to the first lyrics —#away. If not, stick with Davido—hustle for that peanut—so you no go hide your face—at least not total hiding.

Keep pushing in prayer and hard/smart work, trust that ‘God’s thoughts towards you are thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end, Jeremiah 29:11’.


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