Although at first sight this term seems to be more connected to religion, in reality it is a key to liberation from the energetic residues of the past, accumulated as a consequence of the sins and mistakes made by us or the ones who we interact with, towards the cure of our illnesses, towards the release of our mental and soul burdens.
Any physical disease which installs in the human body has its origin in an energetic disorder of an organ, coming as a consequence of sins, mistakes, defects, abuses or vices from previous years, all of these without any correction. After a while (which can be estimated in years, months or even days), when we have the opportunity to energetically correct whatever we are doing wrong, the disorder of the specific structure is transferred in the physical plan, generating an illness of a certain organ whose structure has been affected. But diseases may also appear as a consequence of some mistakes, guilt from the past, which must be cleansed in order not to generate problems in the future.
How can forgiveness help us in solving these problems we are dealing with, in curing these illnesses which severely affect more and more persons?
Firstly we must understand the following mechanism, in other words “the mirror phenomena”: everything that comes to as daily, is connected with whatever we “emit” to the outside world. Everything happens for a reason, the cause and effect law works at a universal level and cannot be changed by anyone. If we are "selfish, envious, vengeful, it is only logical that the boomerang will come back to us, maybe at a time we least expect it to happen. The persons who we meet or with which we spend long periods of time, are the ones that we deserve as a consequence of our actions and attitude. If in the moment something bad happens to us, an injustice is made or we simply suffer, we should ask ourselves what is wrong with us and we ask ourselves what we did wrong. This is the first step in understanding the cause - effect mechanism which governs the
Universe. We must understand the fact that whatever we emit comes back to us sooner or later; that everything that burdens us and creates injustice, weighs down upon our future actions and consumes the energy of those actions.
You will ask now what can we do to neutralize the negative effect of these upsets, displeasures? We can use FORGIVENESS! When we forgive, the structures, get clean, the energetic body is balanced, the “mist” which generates illnesses is lifted, nothing stands in the way of our actions anymore.
This forgiveness mechanism represents a miracle recipe towards our inner peace, health, beauty and success.

Practically, forgiveness cleans the energetic structures, healing faster and liberating the communication channels of older energetic residues, leading towards harmony and understanding. How can we apply forgiveness with our entire soul, to escape from being sick and to build a
better life? It seems easy to say, but very hard to get to... If we understand the fact that the persons who intentionally harm us are actually unhappy persons who need more our compassion than our revenge (which would imply “payments”), than it would be much easier for all of us! Only an unbalanced person, with great conduct problems or with serious health problems can act in an evil way on purpose! Therefore we can treat these persons carefully, with compassion, without any intention of mocking them or seeking revenge- this would mean we are fighting a man who is already dealing with serious problems...
I enjoyed a little story which I read in a magazine some time ago:
“A young woman was sitting and waiting for her flight in the waiting area of a big airport. And because she had to wait for some time, she bought a book and a pack of cookies, to help the time pass. She sat in the waiting room and started reading the book. She put her biscuits on the chair next to her and one seat further there was a man who was reading the newspaper. She opened the package of biscuits and after she "ate the first biscuit, the person sitting next, took a biscuit too. She felt offended, but didn’t say a word and continued reading the book. She was telling to herself <<look at this guy, if I only had more courage I would say something to him…>> And each time she took a biscuit, he took one until one last biscuit remained in the package! She thought: <<I am curious to see what will he say when there will be no more biscuits!>> The man took the last biscuit, split it into two pieces and gave her half of it. <<Oh, this can’t be>>, thought the girl while taking her stuff, the book and the bag and walking towards the exit.
When she felt calmer, she sat on a chair in a more private corridor. She closed the book and opened her bag to put in the half biscuit she had received when she sees her package of biscuits lying there untouched. She was ashamed by the way she acted and then realized that she had eaten the other person’s cookies. The man shared with the girl even his last biscuit, without feeling offended, angry or superior.
The moral: How many times haven’t we judged the ones surrounding us? How many times in our lives haven’t we eat someone else’s biscuits without realizing? Before getting to any conclusion and before thinking bad of someone, let us watch closely around us because usually things are different from what they appear to be!
There are 5 things in life which cannot be recovered:
- A stone, after you have thrown it;
- A word, after you said it;
- A chance, after you lost it;
- Time, after it has passed;
- Love, for the one who does not
  fight for it.
Forgiveness heals the already existing wounds of the soul and it works as a method of protection against all evil, and other types of energetic attacks: by saying the prayer for forgiveness addressed to a certain person, every negative projection coming from that person will go back to its initiator; as long as we are at peace with that specific person, an energetic shield is created to protect the positive thinker. He does not resonate with evil therefore he does not assimilate it.

Sayings about forgiveness:
“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” Mark Twain

“It is easier to forgive an enemy, than to forgive a friend.” William Blake

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Mohandas Gandhi

“Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” John F. Kennedy

“If there is something to pardon in everything, there is also something to condemn.” Friedrich Nietzsche

And now let’s get to work - we are practically starting, from now on, to cleanse our communication channels, our energetic structures and our entire organism, through forgiveness. What is there to do? Something very simple: each night, before going to bed, in a peaceful moment, we must say from the bottom of our souls, with conviction, the prayer for forgiveness.

Prayer for forgiveness:
“Jesus Christ, I ask for forgiveness with all my soul, and all my being to ...... (name) for all the harm that I have caused him/her in the past, I forgive ...... (name) for all the harm that he/she has caused me and I ask forgiveness to the Holy Trinity for all negative messages sent out in the universe. Amen!
Throughout my experience I’ve come to the conclusion that these prayers, said for at least six times consecutively, can considerably amend the relationship with a certain person. If the whole process is so fast (only several minutes), don’t you think the effort is worth it in order to lead a more beautiful, easier life?


Source: Spiritual Evolution - How Can We Grow? by Claudia Nita Donca.


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