wow...this gesture is so touching

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio's Russian Fans Are Melting Down Their Gold to Make Him an Oscar

At this stage in awards season, it seems almost certain that Leonardo DiCaprio will win his first Oscar this February 28. If there is a God, we imagine that even He has ticked off DiCaprio’s name on his Oscar pool in pen. But what if we are all wrong and the Screen Actors Guild, the Hollywood.
Foreign Press Association, and every other award-giving entity who celebrated The Revenant star are no indication of who will claim the little gold man this month. What would we, as a Leo-loving nation, do if someone else’s name is called? Channel our disappointment into some Poor Leo Internet meme again?
Well, DiCaprio’s fans in Siberia have prepared for this unlikely outcome while simultaneously proving themselves to be the most devoted Leo fans on planet Earth. Metro reports that the actor’s female admirers in Russia’s Far East are donating their silver and gold valuables to an “Oscar for Leo” campaign, which will melt down the jewelry and sculpt it into the exact shape of an Oscar statuette.
Er, well, the silver and gold will be converted into the approximate shape of an Oscar statuette, plus a few upgrades. So, instead of the traditional little gold man holding a sword, this little silver man will be holding “a golden ‘choron’—a traditional three-legged Yakut goblet.” Another difference—the Siberian Oscar’s head will be looking upward rather than down.
“We have just started fundraising for the statue,” a teacher from the Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts, Tatiana Egorova, told Russian news channel RIA Novosti (via

According to early calculations, it will cost 100,000 rubles (about $1,300) to build a 12-inch statue—although the size will vary depending on the number of donations. Egorova also explained that many of the women donated part of their valuables so that they could keep the other part—like separating a pair of earrings—and feel closer to the actor.
“Like one half will be with Leonardo DiCaprio and one half with them,” she said. “To be somehow connected with the actor.”
So far about 100 people have donated their valuables. The campaign’s organizer has expressed, according to The Metro, “It might not be a real Oscar, it was just as valid a prize for Leo’s efforts in The Revenant.” While some cynics might debate that statement, we are certain that the eco-activist actor would appreciate the effort. Here’s to you, Leo.

Source: Lindaikeji blog


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