I just want to forget how the whole world seems wrong most times. It's like the more one strives on his own, the more difficult everything seems to appear most times. I ask, why strive when the productivity of ones effort is futile. Then I came across a passage in the scripture which emphasizes on grace; it speaks that "it's not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of him whom the lord showth mercy,-" that scripture I believe is the being of most of our existence, cos no matter how much one struggles, if the grace of God is failing in such a mans life, then all his efforts are futile. and to buttress this, I recall the passage which says; "I will give mercy to whom I want- ". So, I guess my question is;
 1: how do you know such grace has been bestowed on you?
 2:can one obtain the grace if you have not been given naturally, like Jacob was given right form the womb? cos it's said that the "grace will only be given to whom I want to give it to you."
 3:is there a criteria for obtaining the grace?
 4: if you have not obtained the grace, is there point to striving since without the grace ones whole effort is futile and null and void?

Grace!!! These questions are but a few as regards to the issue of grace and it's complexity as regards to our spirituality. Grace it's a very complex part of spirituality which is complicated and too mysterious for an earthly man to fully comprehend. But then, I guess that is the sole base of Christianity. With our earthly understanding, we are incapable of comprehending spiritual/heavenly matters. And as all good, faithful Christians do, we apply faith to the heavenly incomprehensible subjects. We call on the power of faith to lead us through believing that all will be made crystal clear once we get to that wonderful place-Heaven.

Alas, while still on earth, and things don't work as planned despite all the strives, we still have to have faith that the higher authority has better plans for us and not that the grace just isn't genetically meant for us. Cos despite how the story of Esau and Jacob turned out, I still want to believe that there is a greater heavenly reason why one was prophesied to be gracefully-favored before conception while the other wasn't.


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