Living through your Fears 💃

Our fears are our only limitations.
Often, parents tend to withhold their children from living their own dreams (moral ones) because of our own fears.
We fear for their safety, for their emotional wellbeing (if they don't succeed), forgetting that they might actually succeed.

Please, don't feed your child your fears. Encourage, support, guide and pray for them to choose the right path and to succeed in it.
God will do the rest for you🙏

Watch this beautiful video:

If your parents fed you their fears, as an adult, please vomit those fears out.
Make an effort to live your own life and dreams. At first, it won't be easy, but just don't give up on living.
Trying shows that you're making an effort to live your life (dreams) and trust me, Living is better than just existing.

Let them go and trust God to lead, support, guide and direct your path.✌✌😚


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