Chambers in Hell

N ow, what’s your take about hell? Do you feel that there’s a special place in hell for the worst kind of sinners? What’s the volt of the light you have received from God and His prophets? The kingdom of God has suffered a lot because of self-righteousness. We claim perfection before our creator deems us so. Forgetting that even great Apostle Paul did not lay claim to such title. It amazes me how humans are so easy to cast the stone at people who we feel are ‘less qualified’ for this race__Eternal life. Well, I have got news for you, hell has got no chambers! Yes…you read right. So whether you are a paedophile, lesbian, homosexual, lair, fornicator, adultery, idolater, or the sort, you are not right with God and unless you make it right with Him, you will find yourself in Hell with the ‘worst’ sinners. I used the word__worst, because that’s how some view others from their saintly-judgmental lens. The ignorance about hell is so deep that a man jokingly said that, ...