Chambers in Hell

Now, what’s your take about hell?

Do you feel that there’s a special place in hell for the worst kind of sinners?
What’s the volt of the light you have received from God and His prophets?

The kingdom of God has suffered a lot because of self-righteousness. We claim perfection before our creator deems us so. Forgetting that even great Apostle Paul did not lay claim to such title.
It amazes me how humans are so easy to cast the stone at people who we feel are ‘less qualified’ for this race__Eternal life.
Well, I have got news for you, hell has got no chambers!

Yes…you read right. So whether you are a paedophile, lesbian, homosexual, lair, fornicator, adultery, idolater, or the sort, you are not right with God and unless you make it right with Him, you will find yourself in Hell with the ‘worst’ sinners.
I used the word__worst, because that’s how some view others from their saintly-judgmental lens.

The ignorance about hell is so deep that a man jokingly said that, “he would rather be in hell with all the ‘corrupt’ politicians than be in heaven”. His reason being that, “at least he would get to see them suffer like him, (after all their wealth) while in hell”.
With the above ignorant statement, one can’t help but wonder if the man knows that hell is an inferno.

Nobody should misquote me. I am not saying that we should not call a spade, a spade. My point is that we should not throw stones while living in glass houses. No one is saved yet, we all are living on Grace. But, like apostle Paul rightly said, “Should we because of grace, dwell in sin? God forbid!”
And, Jesus Christ didn’t condemn the accusers of Mary Magdalene, who are you to condemn someone else?

All, we are to do, is show love to all mankind. Let our agape love speak to the conscience of all. Our life should be the epistle that others read.
Love knows neither colour nor race nor religion. Its language is universal and it sure speaks the loudest, if only we use its voice well__like Jesus Christ.

Romans 14 shades more light on how to live this life, less judgmental.
So, if you are neither a lesbian nor a paedophile nor a murderer, but you still covert your neighbour’s property, where do you think is your home-base when Christ returns?
Whatever your answer is, just remember that, THERE ARE NO CHAMBERS IN HELL. All sinners get to converge in hell no matter the ‘degree’ of your sin, unless you reconcile with God, before judgment sets.

While we wait for the return of our creator, let’s endeavor to live morally, love purely and laugh wholeheartedly.

Disclaimer: I’m not a clergy. I’m just a spiritual person who loves God deeply, and has questions and thoughts that she feels are worth sharing with the world.


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